
Sunday, September 21, 2014

How to deploy your AngularJS application on a FREE web host with 000webhost

In this tutorial we see how to deploy AngularJS application on a free web host with 000webhost. Also, if your web site is not really big, you won't need any extra FTP software such as Filezilla or SmartFTP to manage your application. Here i explain you how you can deploy your AngularJS web site with exclusively free software.
First go to 000webhost and create a FREE account , clicking on "Order Now" :

how to deploy AngularJS application on a free web host with 000webhost

how to deploy AngularJS application on a free web host with 000webhost

Create a DOMAIN :
deploy AngularJS application on a free web host with 000webhost

To open the File Manager and upload your web site , go to "List Accounts" , and click on "Go to CPanel" : 

At the CPanel , choose "Another File Manager" : 

Now you're inside your site. The place for your web site files is inside the "public_html" folder , so open it and just upload your HTML CSS JS files there : 

Create the directories that you need , and upload your files :

Again, provided that your AngularJS app is not big , you don't need an FTP software. Elsewhere, Filezilla or SmartFTP would be fine.

That's all!! 
We just saw how to deploy AngularJS application on a free web host with 000webhost. If you want to read about fixing a bug or deploying a patch on your AngularJS free hosted web site, watch the next tutorial of this deployment series in "Fixing a bug in your deployed AngularJS application".
Happy programming.....

      by Carmel Schvartzman

כתב: כרמל שוורצמן


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